Prices & Packages
We're not booking any additional events in 2024/2025 at this time.
Please call to make an appointment to tour the facility.
Basic Wedding Includes:
•White folding chairs for guests
•Selective wedding decorations available-lanterns, shepherds hooks, silk floral arrangements, bows, arches for wedding backdrop, or you can bring your own decorations
•Sound system w/lapel microphone for the officiant
•Set up and breakdown of venue white folding chairs and venue decorations
•Citronella torches
•Rental for ceremony 1 hour plus additional time to get ready
•Indoor or Outdoor
(We can accommodate up to 80 people inside and 100 people outside)
Up to 25 people $300
26-50 people $500
51-75 people $700
76-100 people $900
Indoor Reception package includes:
•Tables, chairs, white tablecloths
•Set up and breakdown of venue tables and chairs
•Rental for 4 hours plus pre-event decorating
(We can accommodate up to 60 people comfortably)
Up to 60 people $600
Outdoor Reception package includes:
Tables, chairs, white tablecloths, sheer white panel curtains with tiebacks
Set up of venue tables and chairs - you will be responsible for taking down tables, chairs and clean up
Rental for 4 hours plus pre-event decorating
(We can accommodate up to 100 people in pavilion)
Up to 25 people $900
26-50 people $1100
51-75 people $1300
76-100 people $1600
*Sales tax will be added to final bill
Cedar Valley Prices and Packages
Embedded in the Ozarks, Cedar Valley invites you in with towering cedars, flowing waterfalls, and luscious green landscaping. We provide couples with extremely cost-effective and flexible wedding venue packages. Please let us know your vision for your perfect day and we are happy to help make it a reality.